Sunday, March 23, 2008

Live Fast, Die Young

I saw Shutter at the movies last night with my best friend Tits. Both of us have crazy work schedules, but this weekend we decided it was time, to make time for each other. Shutter is totally not the type of movie that I would usually agree to go see, but after seeing the mess that is 10,000 B.C. last week I'm hardly in a position to judge. To my surprise, the movie wasn't absolutely unbearable to watch, but still, I wish I didn't dish out a hurtful $11.75 for a movie ticket.

I sort of felt like dressing up yesterday, but sort of didn't. So I decided to wear one of my favorite skirts with sneakers!

I am totally anti t-shirts with cheesy with sayings. With that being said, the top I'm wearing in the above photo is a t-shirt with a cheesy saying. It reads "Live Fast, Die Young."