Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trouble In Paradise

I've always thought that my relationship with Hunny was perfect. Tonight we aired quite a bit of dirty laundry and it made me realise that our seemingly perfect relationship is not so perfect after all.

Perhaps the exploits of a single American on the London dating scene will make for a more interesting blog.

Not exactly sure what comes next...will keep you updated...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lunch Time

Today I met up with my really good friend Giggles for lunch. Anytime we meet up I know exactly what to expect...lots of gossip, lots of laughs, and lots of food. She did not disappoint and we ended up having a really wicked time. I think it was exactly what I needed to break up the week and prepare me for work at the dungeon tomorrow.

*Happy B-day Buddy

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wednesday marked the beginning of my new job.

I went into work with the most positive attitude possible, only to quickly realise that it is far worse than job I quit last week.

Needless to say, I'm going to put myself back on the job

I reckon, that once you've quit one shit job, quitting subsequent jobs shit becomes a lot easier.

Above are the only highlights of the past work wardrobe!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A New Beginning

Thursday was my last day of work. As much as I moaned about how awful it was, I really will miss the place and more importantly the people. My coworkers gave me a proper Parisian send off...we headed to a quaint little bar and stuffed our faces with wine and cheese.

I've truly enjoyed just bumming about for the past few days but it's all coming to an end soon. I've landed a new job and I start tomorrow promptly at 9am. The interview process was totally American Idolesque in that the candidates were periodically eliminated and only a few "chosen ones" remained. Hopefully this job lives up to all the hype.

I spent a good portion of today in the shops trying to find a few pieces that I could use to update my work expect a lot of what I wore to work posts in the near future...