Saturday, November 29, 2008

Officially Fasting

Yeah, that's right...I'm officially fasting. No, not because I've just finished eating my 15th portion of Thanksgiving leftovers, but because I'm headed to one of my local bars tonight.

I know that it's going to take quite a few drinks to make this crap bar enjoyable so I figure the less I eat today, the faster I'll be able to achieve that "healthy buzz."

The people that go to my local bars are always characters and usually consist of old men, teenage boys, and creepy women that always wear clothing that is 2 or 3 sizes too small for them.

Why go then, you ask? Because I need a good laugh and am still not quite ready to wander too far away from the homebase for booze.

*This is really what I'm wearing to the bar. Sexy, huh?