Saturday, December 20, 2008

White Christmas

Today I headed back to work after enjoying 3 lovely unproductive days off. Usually I would bitch and moan about returning to work, but surprisingly I actually quite like my job.

Instead of getting involved in some Friday night madness I decided to take my butt straight home after work. I ended up spending the night watching White Christmas with my Daddy. There's certainly no other way I would have preferred to spend my Friday night, but I reckon Saturday night will be little more interesting...

Lately I haven't been in the mood to wear real pants so I've been wearing leggings and poom poom shorts A LOT. But today it was snowing and I was cold as hell in these leggings so perhaps I'll wear pants tomorrow.

*Please try to focus on the pretty pattern on the back of my cardigan instead of my baaad panty line situation...