Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week In Review..

Because I know you've been dying for an update of my personal life...
  • Cameraman and I officially became more than friends one night-but unfortunately performances did not live up to expectations - and our friendship may have been threatened - forever!
  • I took another splash into California's waters despite the fact that he easily wins the award for douchebag of the century, and has a penis the size of a mini Cumberland sausage.
  • I had a date with a Ginger Sasquatch who was loud, obnoxious and from Long Island.  He was also convinced that if we mated, our children would look like Sinbad.
  • My diet officially worked - check out the lack of meat on those bones bitches!
*I've been listening to Incubus non-stop for the past week - yup I'm officially a weirdo emo chick. BTW that Brandon Boyd is a  hot piece and I would totally hit it over and over again-receding hairline and all...